

João Pedro Barreiros

João Pedro Barreiros
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João Pedro Barreiros
Référence : ESRA2450
João Pedro Barreiros was born in Lisbon in 1964 from an old indo-chinese-portuguese family established in Macao. Since his early childhood JPB devoted himself to the three “passions” that are still an integral part of his daily life: spearfishing, illustration and music studies.
A Ph.D. in Biology/Animal Ecology from the University of the Azores (2001) where he4 also completed his Aggregation degree in Ethology (2008), JPB is currently working in the Islands Biodiversity, Biogeography and Conservation where he leads the Island Marine Biology sub-group within the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes. Spearfishing and freediving have always been part of many of his research projects focused in amphi-Atlantic fish ecology, namely Macaronesia, Gulf of Guinea and Brazil. Other aquatic predators, especially within the Amazon basin. East Africa (Mozambique) and studying crocodilians (Caribbean, Africa, S America). Also studying conflicts between wild animals and humans.
With ongoing projects in Brazil (Amazon basin, S littoral coral reefs) and Africa (mostly the Islands of São Tomé & Príncipe) and in the Azores (apex predatory fish, cetaceans and marine turtles).