

Guy Gilpatric

Guy Gilpatric
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Guy Gilpatric
Reference : 1896-1950
John Guy Gilpatric was born in 1896, and died by his own hand in 1950 after shooting his beloved but terminally ill wife. So ended not so much a career but the life - a full extraordinary life - of a man who sought adventure and living. Gilpatric grew up in New York. He became famous at sixteen when he flew to new heights with a record breaking solo effort of 4,665 feet. He became a test pilot until at 21 he joined the American Expeditionary Forces and went to war in France, surviving eighteen months in the Air Service.
The excitement over, he took to writing, and as a freelance journalist, added to his repertoire a fictional series about the soon to become famous Mr Glencannon, ships engineer of the equally fictitious SS Inchcliffe Castle.

Two years after the end of the Great War, he was back in France. Living on the French Riviera. His earnings from the adventures of Mr Glencannon helped pay his way, but by now he was interested in other aspects of the sea. In 1929 he took to the Mediterranean with a spear and determination, returning with food and exhilaration. Wearing misaligned airmen's goggles gummed up to keep out the water, a nose-clip and, surprisingly, ear plugs, he plunged into the Mediterranean in search of the largest merou, a cod-like species. Mr Glencannon took a back seat, much to the displeasure of the Saturday Evening Post editor, whilst Gilpatric wrote articles on "goggle fishing". He encouraged many to follow his lead, none more enthusiastic than a young Austrian called Hans Hass. In 1938, Gilpatric wrote his classic The Compleat Goggler.
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